
Date Topics covered Webinar files mp3 files Notes
July 14 2010 Introduction wmv-1 mp3-1 pdf-1
July 16, 2010 ??????????? ????????,Introduced ???????? ?????? in ????????? wmv-2 mp3-2 pdf-2
July 19, 2010 Resolved ???????? ?????? in ?????????, ??????????? ????? wmv-3 mp3-3 pdf-3
July 21, 2010 Practice of ???????????? with students, ??????????????? ???, ??????????????????????? wmv-4 mp3-4 pdf-4
July 23, 2010 ????????????????????, ????????????????? ???????, Discussed ????????????????, ? ? wmv-5 mp3-5 pdf-5
July 26, 2010 Explained ????????????? significance of ???????? wmv-6 mp3-6 pdf-6
July 28, 2010 ??????????????? ?????????? Completed ??????? wmv-7 mp3-7 pdf-7
July 30, 2010 ??????????????, ????????????, ?????????, ??????? ?????, ????????????????????, ?????????????, ??????, ????? ??????, ???? ????

???????????? ??????

wmv-8 mp3-8 pdf-8
August 2, 2010 ??? ??????????????, ????????????? ??? ?????????? ??????, ??????????? ????, ??????? ???, ?????? ????, ?????? ?, Completed ?????? ????????, Quizzed students on homework wmv-9 mp3-9 pdf-9

13 Responses to ०१-संज्ञाप्रकरणम्

  1. Raj Sethuraman says:

    I am trying to learn sanskrit hence have an interest in these lessons.


  2. this is very useful piece in the web. I’m learning sanskrit here. धन्यवाद।

  3. bighneswar mishra says:

    it is very wonderful job done by the group. it needs publicity for welfare of sanskrit lovers.

  4. uma meenaxi says:

    thank u v.much. i am unable to attend classroom lectures – as i had to opt for distance education. here with you i have excellent classroom lecture facility in my home. your explanations are very lucid and is improving my sanskrit knowledge as well.

  5. bhogayta vijay says:


  6. The lessons are often disrupted by comments. Should not be any interruptions either by participants or by anyone else.

  7. विश्वासो वासुकिजः says:


    अहम् सौम्याग्रजायाः पाठान् sanskritfromhome.in इत्यत्रापि पठन्नस्मि – संप्रति समासप्रकरणे लग्नोऽस्मि।

    अत्र wmv सञ्चिकाः दृष्ट्वा मम महान् प्रमोदो जातः। किं तस्य प्रकाशनं भवन्तः youtube.com इत्यत्र कुर्युः? तेन इतोऽपि अनेके जनाः संस्कृतव्याकरणेन आकृष्टा भवेयुः (यथा अत्र ईक्षताम् – http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDCfgWlp6dlFr_vVTEVJrQ तथा http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYBqfL4ycMjsNL34zv_inm-7izPqS0Crs&feature=c4-feed-u )।

    यदीच्छन्ति, मम साह्यम् अपि दातुं सिद्धोऽस्मि उपारोपणे।

  8. excellent service to Paniniyan grammar. Thanks for making it public..

  9. Excellent service to Paninian grammar. Thanks for sharing public…

  10. lakshmi says:

    I am unable to view any of the webinar or mp3 or pdf file. Please guide me so that I can view them.

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